Computer graphics an introduction | Razsoft education

Computer graphics or CG


  • Computer graphics is a field of computer science in which we study the creation and manipulation of images. 

  • Computer graphics is an art of communicating to computer visually.


  • Movies:In movies they use VFX to create many scene like large explosion, plane crash or create entirely new environment like in Avengers and avatar.
  • Cartoons:It’s used to create fictional characters and animate them to make animation videos like Doremon, Tom and Jerry and Motu-Patlu.  
  • Video games: - Video game is industry completely based on computer graphics. It’s used to create environment, character and interaction with them. Some popular computer games are like Vice city, Temple run, PUBG, etc.
  • Simulation: - Using computer we can describe behavior of object’s in computer then simulate them in virtual environment to see the effect. It’s also used to teach people about complex machine operation like plane or train.
  • Data visualization:Business uses computer graphics to see it’s various type of data like sales and customer report in graph and chart format to easily understand it.
  • Virtual Reality: - Using VR we can interact with virtual environment using VR sets.
  • CAM/CAD: - Creating a model of products in side computer using CAD tools to see how it look and make changes inside it also checks how it get affected in different environment. Also using CAM tools we can fabricate it to automate manufacturing.

Types of computer graphics

  • Vector graphics: - It’s a method in which images are stored as a mathematical formula. These images don’t have resolution.
  • Raster Graphics: - In this method images are stored as a grid/array of pixel and each pixel. The image has pre-defined resolution and images get pixilated after some point.

Basic element of computer graphics

  • Modeling: - Defining object in mathematically inside computer.
  • Rendering: - Converting objects into pictorial form.
  • Animation: - Showing the evolution of objects over the period of time. 




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