Different data types in C++ | Razsoft Education

 Data types in C++ :

As we know computer is a data oriented machine so, to work with data it need to store that different programming language handles it differently. But C++ programming language provide us more control on data. A data type is to tell the compiler that how much memory a variable or constant going to take and what is type of data stored inside them. There are mainly two types of data group in C++.

Fundamental data types : 

They are built in data type provided by C++ programming language to work with simple form of data like integer, floating points and characters inside the program.

Compound data types : 

They are not built in C++. Where as programmer's define them itself when ever needed according to their use. They are defined with the use of fundamental data types, So, it's often refer as user define data type of derived data type. For example array, class, structures, etc.

Learn more about 

Fundamental data types :

    1. Integers

    2. Character

    3. Floating Point 

Compound data types :

    1. Array

    2. String

    3. Structure

    4. Union

    5. Enumerator

    6. Classes

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Books for C++ programming :


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