
Showing posts from October, 2022

Different data types in C++ | Razsoft Education

 Data types in C++ : As we know computer is a data oriented machine so, to work with data it need to store that different programming language handles it differently. But C++ programming language provide us more control on data. A data type is to tell the compiler that how much memory a variable or constant going to take and what is type of data stored inside them. There are mainly two types of data group in C++. Fundamental data types :   They are built in data type provided by C++ programming language to work with simple form of data like integer, floating points and characters inside the program. Compound data types :   They are not built in C++. Where as programmer's define them itself when ever needed according to their use. They are defined with the use of fundamental data types, So, it's often refer as user define data type of derived data type. For example array, class, structures, etc. Learn more about  Fundamental data types :     1. Integers     2.  Character     3.

What is Object Oriented Programming | Razsoft Education

 Object Oriented Programming : Object Oriented Programming (OOP’s) is a modern programming approach in which program is thinks as of set of objects communicates to each other to get a work done. Like in real life we have multiple objects that depend on each other for get a work done.             So, the idea was to design a data that has data and function that perform operation on that data. In C++ classes are the special data type that contains data called data member and function that perform operation on that data called member function. An object is instance of class.   Also Read about :    What is procedural programming paradigm ?   What is Structured programming paradigm ?    

What is structured programming paradigm | Razsoft education

 Structured programming                 Structured programming is a programming paradigm in which we use some predefine keywords to control the flow (branching) of the program. Unlike in procedural language we have goto keyword to control flow. In structured program we have for, while, do while if , else, these type of keywords to control the flow better and also have blocks to maintain the scope of the variable or to group a set of related code. These blocks are formed by curly braces ( { } ) in C++.

What is a Procedural programming paradigm | Razsoft Education

  Procedural programming :                As name suggest in procedural language we write procedures to get the result of given data. A program consists of data and algorithm, Algorithm is step by step procedures that work on data and give us the output. When we use a programming language to write down these step by step processes called procedural programming language. ALGOL, BASIC, COBOL and C are the example of procedural programming language.