Accessing device coordinates in java graphics | Razsoft Education

 Java 2D API defines three level of configuration information to encapsulate conversion information from user to device coordinate.

1. Graphics Environment class :- GraphicsEnvironment class describe the collection of rendering device visible to the java application on a platform. Rendering device include screens, printers and image buffers. It also include all the fonts available to the device. 

2. Graphics Device class :- GraphicsDevice class describe all the possible rendering device on the graphics environment. Such as screens or printers.

3. Graphics Configuration class :- A GraphicsConfiguration class contains all the different types of configuration supported by the graphics device. For example let a screen may have two different configuration such as 720 * 480 or 1920 * 1080 pixel resolution. We can change it's configuration as we want. Or a screen may have different color mode such as 16-bit, 32 - bit or 256 bit color mode. All such information about a device is stored into graphics configuration class.


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